Thursday, December 13, 2007

Deloitte Data Disclosure Study

So, I can't decide what this study really means. The short version is that Deloitte did a survey of security & privacy staff from the US about data breaches and disclosures, and 85% of respondents had at least one incident, and 63% of respondents had six or more in the past 12 months.

But I don't know if this is the sky falling, or just the entropic nature of data. Clearly 85% of companies are not having TJX-sized breaches. But the 85% is apparently incidents where notification ocurred. Unfortunately, the report doesn't expand on what constitutes notification and whether that means specifically that individuals were notified.

Either way, this study raises a good point around incident response. Specifically, due to the ubiquitous nature of mandatory disclosure laws, it's time to revisit your incident response procedures and include language for determining if notification is necessary, and then coordinating and documenting notification efforts so that you can prove that you followed applicable laws.

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