Saturday, October 9, 2010
Information Security for Business Majors
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The SIEM Market Discussion Continues
Rocky, Paul:
The ClueTrain Manifesto calls markets "conversations", so here goes.....
I think you're falling into a the trap of "conventional wisdom". First off, the basic assumption that the world falls neatly into the SIEM categorization is just plain false. I stand by LogLogic's all starts with log management as the crucial piece, without that key use cases like network forensics are not even possible. Second, the notion that dropping the price is bad is just plain weird. Is LogLogic dropping the price to sell more? Sure we are. Are we dropping the price to take market share? Sure we are. Are we seeing a great response? Sure we are. Since when is saving people money a bad thing?
And we're always interested in a podcast. :)
Bill Roth, EVP
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the comment! And thanks for participating in the dialogue. I think it's awesome that LogLogic is out front and engaging on its business decisions. Very refreshing!
As to your point about log management being that crucial initial component of a SIEM implementation, I agree completely. Log management has also developed as its own market segment as well, independent of SIEM. But I don't need to tell you that. :-)
On the topic of LogLogic's decision to discount its SIEM product, I didn't mean - and I don't believe Rocky did either - that charging less for SIEM is bad, or even a bad business move.
That said, I do believe that for some significant portion of potential customers log management is a commodity technology. However, from my own experience and from everything I've seen to date, SIEM is not a commodity technology, and I'm not convinced it will be. As such, I don't see price as a strong competitive differentiator in the SIEM market.
Following the recent recession, where IT capital budgets still haven't caught up to the (hopefully sustained) economic upturn, I imagine the feedback on LogLogic's price cut has been positive, and that you'll see some SIEM sales where you wouldn't have but for the discount. But in the mid- to long-term, I have my doubts as to whether there is any meaningful gain in market share to be had for LogLogic - or any SIEM vendor for that matter - simply by competing on price with other SIEM vendors.
Let's be frank, if price were a big piece of why companies choose a particular SIEM, Cisco MARS would have the lion's share of the market and ArcSight would be folding. Instead, it's the other way around.
Twitter Killed the Blog Star
But every once in a while, a Twitter exchange becomes so interesting that, despite the compressed and fleeting nature of Twitter, it turns into something worthy of framing. The other night, Rocky DeStefano of Visible Risk and I had an exchange on SIEM that I thought the wider world might find interesting. The background to the conversation is this post from Rocky's blog about the recent announcement from LogLogic that they were discounting their SIEM product, and then this responding blog post from LogLogic.
The LogLogic response ->> to my discounting SIEM Post ( )
8:47 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
I need to noodle on the LogLogic response more. I appreciate the conversation, I think I may see the opposite end of the customer spectrum.
9:02 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd I think you nailed the issue. If you *NEED* SIEM, you won't compromise features/functionality for capital cost savings.
9:06 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd If Cisco couldn't make "Free SIEM With Purchase" work, it's not ever going to work.
9:07 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson let's be honest how could they possible respond any differently than they did? time for a podcast on the subject ?
9:50 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd They could just fess up. "We're shipping log management appliances, but SIEM isn't moving. So we put it on clearance sale." :-)
9:52 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd I think with Gartner's SIEM MQ being released, we're about to see another round of SIEM casualties as VC pulls out.
9:54 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson There has to be quickening soon, there is way too much of the same thing in the market.
9:57 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd Right. I've been thinking about the key SIEM differentiators and I've only got three.
10:00 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson which three?
10:06 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson Like - Sources, Scalability, Analytical Usage, Correlation / Statistical Evaluation, and getting Intelligent information out?
10:08 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd 1) performance/scalability 2) UI and drill-down 3) supported sources.
10:07 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson there are some others like context of Host, Vuln, Registry, Applications and Users that lead you towards more advanced usage
10:09 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd OK, so asset data model(s) makes 4, pre-defined content is 5? That's still not a lot.
10:15 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson each is several years of development and refinement with customers.
10:32 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson this comes down to a compliance check box sale versus a security team needing to integrate a tool into their process.
10:35 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd Agree. But a handful of differentiators == a handful of potential market leaders. Time to thin the herd. Again.
10:42 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@pmelson now I see where you're headed. BTW I think you'll see 3 more acqusitions by end of year.
10:45 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
I was thinking about creating a "vegas odds" website for SIEM Quickending and donate some portion of the funds to HFC.
10:47 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
@rockyd A SIEM futures market? Very DARPA!
10:49 PM May 18th via TweetDeck
So there, for your parsing and edification, some thoughts on the SIEM product space, the recent Gartner MQ for SIEM, and the near-term ramifications of Gartner's paper on the market.
Also, if you aren't already, you should be reading Rocky's blog, especially if you're interested in SIEM and security ops. Rocky's a guru in this space, and in addition to his blog he has already put together some great podcasts since launching his latest venture, Visible Risk.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Snort Signatures for New Koobface Variant
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET !80 (msg: "LOCAL .exe file download on port other than 80"; flow:established; content: "GET"; depth:4; content: ".exe"; nocase; classtype:misc-activity; sid:9000160; rev:1;)
And these are designed to catch the bot HTTP checkins we've seen so far. This is likely to be more of a whack-a-mole effort as we've already seen the checkin URL format change once.
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"LOCAL Koobface action=fbgen checkin"; flow:to_server,established; content:"POST"; content:"/.sys/?
action=fbgen"; nocase; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:9000220; rev:1;)
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"LOCAL Koobface go.js checkin"; flow:to_server,established; content:"POST"; content:"/go.js?"; nocase; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:9000221; rev:1;)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Security Metrics and Data Visualization
One set of statistics that may be of interest to the general Internet public is the volume of malware cases that we have worked over the past two years.
There are a couple of things worth pointing out in this graph. The first, and perhaps most obvious one, is that there is a drop-off in malware related cases in 2009. Surely, that can't be right? It is, but it's due to implementing some new security technologies in December of 2008. In fact, those countermeasures reduced the number of malware cases we handled in 2009 by roughly 65% compared to 2008. I want to say two things about this. First, this demonstrates the effectiveness of the preventative countermeasures that we employed and confirms the value of those countermeasures. Notice that I'm not saying that it proves ROI. But the bottom line is that it was worth it. The second thing I want to point out about that decline, however, is that it's just a decline. It did not eliminate the problem. In fact, in 2009 we saw malware chip away at other defenses that were highly effective only two years before. And I suspect that, if we do nothing else about it, that those levels will begin to rise in 2010 and regain the same level of frequency we saw in 2008 if not higher. There's a hint of that in the graph towards the end of 2009.
The next thing I want to point out about this graph is the peak frequency. It is consistent. Every three months, there is a spike in malware incidents in our environment. I would love to see statistics from other companies or the Internet at large to see if this is an Internet-wide pattern. I suspect that it is. Despite the new countermeasures, despite the decrease in order of magnitude, the spikes occur like clockwork every third month. That leads me to believe two things. First, I believe that this pattern is driven externally since it didn't deviate, even when our environment changed significantly. Second, I believe that this is no accident. The vendors that produce malware/botnet "kits" are responsible for introducing most of the new exploits and anti-detection capabilities that we see on a regular basis. Their stuff is used more widely than custom malware as well. Therefore, this leads me to believe that there is one large group responsible for the majority of the malware in the wild, and they're on a 90-day release cycle. I've got no intelligence data to support this, but I have a hard time believing that this pattern repeats itself, without exception, for two years straight out of pure coincidence.
Bottom line, this is the kind of useful information that trend analysis can give you, and why metrics are worth gathering and analyzing.